? ??????????????Aim For Love? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (21 Ratings)??2160 Grabs Today. 12173 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????1?? ?????????????????????????????Air Jordans? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (167 Ratings)??2156 Grabs Today. 25275 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A New Hope

She had been very sad...leaving her best friend there was hard..and worse still, she had to start a new life. Frustrated and tired, she slept throughout the silent night.

In her dream, she saw wonderful angels talking to her like guiding her on her new path. But she did not seem to know what were talking about as there were no words coming out of their mouths. (odd right?? but possible~~~)

When she woke up, she saw an amazing thing, flashing across the sky. It was no lightning nor thunder. It was a rainbow. Rainbow means HOPE. Hope is the last thing we lose, when we surrender.

When you are about to give up, don't. Hope is the last thing we lose, always keep hope by your side. A new life. A new begining. A new path. She had learnt this. With that wisdom, she will keep on the journey...without regret.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Her Choice

Everytime in life we need make choices. Every choice we gain and we sacrifice. But in the end we all still need to make a choice. Maybe we will regret later, but we will see to the problems soon...
There was a time when she had to make a choice. As she was walking and enjoying the fresh air in the morning, so suddenly, she came to a forked path. Each path had a sign.
The left path showed a sign where there was a picture of a sun. In this case, it meant this path will gurantee happiness.

The right sign showed a sign where there was a picture of a sunflwer. In this case, it meant this path will gurantee friendship.

At that moment, she had a dilemma. Should she choose the left, or the right path? She wasn't sure. She loved sunshine and she wanted to be happy always. But on the other hand, she wanted friendship too. If she picked the left path, she would have to leave her sunflower... And when she had chosen a path, she could never turn back.

After so so long, she plucked up her courage and started to walk into one of the paths... *Goodbye Sunny....*

She had picked the one with the sun. It was hard for her. But she had to pick either side. The right path guranteed friendship but it did not gurantee happiness.. And, she knew she had picked the *right* path.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Off The Path

Sweat trickered all over her face.She can't seem to stop sweating~ The autumn seems to get a wee bit hotter (a lot more hotter actually~) She was beginning to feel HOT and needed to stop for awhile.

Suddenly she had a brilliant idea~ (or is it?) She wanted to take a trip off the path. Without thinking twice, she strayed off the path and walked a little further before settling down under a tree. She took off two of her scarfs and her sweater. She laid down onto the soft grass. Gazing at the clouds now, she was beginning to feel relaxed and cooler. Clouds with many patterns form in the blue blue sky~ She went to a deep deep sleep...

The next day, she woke up, starled of where she was. She was near a river. The gurgling noise of the river made her feel welcomed~ In the river she saw crystal clear water with cute little fishes swimming in it. *How Cute~!!!* But she knew she had to continue her journey on the path... Her heart sank.. But when she got onto the path, she felt ok and happy again~ Nothing hurts more than leaving this path. She could get a holiday off the path, but not forever.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



She was just walking on the road when she heard the chirping~ It came from a nest of 2 baby birds. Their nest lie on the path. Now, she had never seen this kind of situation,but she knew the nest wasn't in the right place~

She took pity on the baby birds... =( They would die of starvation if she left them like that. So, holding the nest in her right hand, she climbed up a tree carefully.The tree she was climbing was quite high~ She dare not look downso she kept going~ When on a certain branch, she stopped climbing and put the nest on the branch.

Before heading down, she played with them for awhile~ She was about to climb down when she flashed a last look at them. *I know you won't remember me....but here's a mini blanket, in rememberance of me =) * She plucked a petal from the sunflower and placed it around the birds.

Now for the hard part, she had to some how climb down the tall tree safely. She made it down but she got some cuts due to the sharp branches on the tree.But she was happy she helped them~ :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Music of the Forest

Morning was the favourite time of the day for her~ "Skippety-skip, skippety-skip...!" went her shoes~She was always in a good mood in the morning.

Birds were chirping~ The wind rustled the leaves~ The sound made by her skipping also join in the sound of peace~

She suddenly realised something....She was making & at the same time, hearing the Music of the Forest~ *There are some little things in life which makes you so ever happy~ Just that you didn't notice them*

The music in the forest can be heard and felt if you notice them carefully~ She suddenly felt even happier that she had walked on this path~

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friendship...nearly lost it...

She felt a sudden chill going on.. she looked at the sky.. the clouds suddenly became grey & black.. she looked back at her sunflower, she saw something shocking... some of the sunflower's petals had actually dried out and.....wilted!

At that horrifying moment...tears trickle down her cheeks, she could not believe the sunflower...(her best friend) was DYING! Incontrollably she cried........ It was a sad sight......

There must have been something powerful in her tears...when the tears trickle over the sunflower, it bloomed...... slowly~ The sunlight shone on her~ she looked up, dried her tears... she saw the blooming sunflower~ * I knew you wouldn't leave me alone~ *

Sunshine shine once again on her road~

Friday, July 16, 2010

All ends well...

The continued story from the last post~

Madly, she ran after the hat~there was an interesting wild goose chase going on! XD She din stop till she was out of breath...

As a result,her hat flew freely n disappeared before her eyes~

But the weird thing was...she didn't regret not chasing after her hat....in fact she was happy~ =) because of it, she had exercised the whole way, and anyway, it helped her speed up her journey to the end~

She was glad not sad, disappointed nor unhappy~ By the way, she had learnt a lesson... tat is never leave her things on the ground!